

記事: 6734
登録日時: 13年前
住所: 千葉県


投稿記事 by みけCAT » 9年前

int = unsigned int = float = 32ビット、long long = unsigned long long = 64ビットを想定しています。



const unsigned int inf_value = 0x7f800000;
const unsigned int nan_value = 0x7fffffff;
const unsigned int ind_value = 0xffc00000;

void bunkai(unsigned int *fugou, unsigned int *sisu, unsigned int *kasu, unsigned int f) {
	*fugou = (f >> 31) & 0x01;
	*sisu = (f >> 23) & 0xff;
	*kasu = f & 0x7fffff;

/* 引数にNaNがあるかをチェックして、あったらそれを返す(INDもここではNaNと判定される) */
unsigned int check_nan(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
	if ((a & 0x7f800000) == 0x7f800000 && (a & 0x7fffff)) return a; /* a = NaN */
	if ((b & 0x7f800000) == 0x7f800000 && (b & 0x7fffff)) return b; /* b = NaN */
	return 0;

/* 正規化前の計算結果、指数、符号から、答えを構築して返す */
unsigned int get_result(int ret_fugou, int ret_sisu, long long ret_calc) {
	unsigned int ret = 0;
	if (ret_calc == 0) {
		/* 結果がゼロ */
		ret = 0;
	} else {
		/* 丸め */
		long long next_mask, sita_mask, ue_mask;
		int first_pos;
		for (first_pos = 63; (ret_calc >> first_pos) == 0; first_pos--);
		if (ret_sisu + (first_pos - 23) >= 1) {
			/* 指数の調整で正規化数にできる場合 */
			if (first_pos >= 24) {
				next_mask = 1LL = -62) ret_calc >>= -ret_sisu + 1; else ret_calc = 0;
			ret_sisu = 1;
		if (ret_calc >= 0x800000) {
			while (ret_calc >= 0x1000000) {
				ret_calc >>= 1;
		} else {
			while (ret_sisu > 1 && ret_calc = 255) {
			/* inf */
			ret = inf_value;
		} else {
			ret = ((unsigned long long)(ret_sisu & 0xff) = 0) {
			if (sisu_diff >= 46) b_calc = 0; else b_calc >>= sisu_diff;
			ret_sisu = a_sisu;
		} else {
			sisu_diff = -sisu_diff;
			if (sisu_diff >= 46) a_calc = 0; else a_calc >>= sisu_diff;
			ret_sisu = b_sisu;
		/* 符号の反映 */
		if (a_fugou) a_calc = -a_calc;
		if (b_fugou) b_calc = -b_calc;
		/* 計算 */
		ret_calc = a_calc + b_calc;
		if (ret_calc < 0) {
			ret_calc = -ret_calc;
			ret_fugou = 1;
		} else {
			if (a_fugou && b_fugou) ret_fugou = 1; else ret_fugou = 0;
		/* 結果の構築 */
		ret_sisu -= 23;
		ret = get_result(ret_fugou, ret_sisu, ret_calc);

	return *((float*)&ret);

float float_sub(float a_in, float b_in) {
	unsigned int a = *((unsigned int*)&a_in);
	unsigned int b = *((unsigned int*)&b_in);
	unsigned int ret = check_nan(a, b);
	if (ret != 0) return *((float*)&ret);
	b ^= 0x80000000; /* 符号を反転 */
	return float_add(a_in, *((float*)&b)); /* 加算に丸投げ */

float float_mul(float a_in, float b_in) {
	unsigned int a = *((unsigned int*)&a_in);
	unsigned int b = *((unsigned int*)&b_in);
	unsigned int a_fugou, b_fugou;
	unsigned int a_kasu, b_kasu;
	unsigned int a_sisu, b_sisu;
	unsigned int ret;
	ret = check_nan(a, b);
	if (ret != 0) return *((float*)&ret);

	bunkai(&a_fugou, &a_sisu, &a_kasu, a);
	bunkai(&b_fugou, &b_sisu, &b_kasu, b);

	if (a_sisu == 255) {
		/* a = +-inf */
		if (b_sisu == 255) {
			/* b = +-inf */
			if (a_fugou == b_fugou) {
				ret = inf_value;
			} else {
				ret = inf_value | 0x80000000;
		} else {
			/* finite b */
			if ((b & 0x7fffffff) == 0) {
				ret = ind_value;
			} else {
				ret = inf_value;
				if (a_fugou != b_fugou) ret |= 0x80000000;
	} else if (b_sisu == 255) {
		/* finite a and b = +-inf */
		if ((a & 0x7fffffff) == 0) {
			ret = ind_value;
		} else {
			ret = inf_value;
			if (a_fugou != b_fugou) ret |= 0x80000000;
	} else {
		/* finite a, b */
		long long a_calc, b_calc, ret_calc;
		int ret_sisu, ret_fugou = 0;
		a_calc = a_kasu;
		b_calc = b_kasu;
		/* けち表現と非正規化数の処理 */
		if (a_sisu != 0) a_calc |= 0x800000; else a_sisu = 1;
		if (b_sisu != 0) b_calc |= 0x800000; else b_sisu = 1;
		/* 指数の計算 */
		ret_sisu = a_sisu + b_sisu - 127;
		/* 符号の反映 */
		if (a_fugou) ret_fugou = 1 - ret_fugou;
		if (b_fugou) ret_fugou = 1 - ret_fugou;
		/* 計算 */
		ret_calc = a_calc * b_calc;
		/* 結果の構築 */
		ret_sisu -= 23;
		ret = get_result(ret_fugou, ret_sisu, ret_calc);

	return *((float*)&ret);

float float_div(float a_in, float b_in) {
	unsigned int a = *((unsigned int*)&a_in);
	unsigned int b = *((unsigned int*)&b_in);
	unsigned int a_fugou, b_fugou;
	unsigned int a_kasu, b_kasu;
	unsigned int a_sisu, b_sisu;
	unsigned int ret;
	ret = check_nan(a, b);
	if (ret != 0) return *((float*)&ret);

	bunkai(&a_fugou, &a_sisu, &a_kasu, a);
	bunkai(&b_fugou, &b_sisu, &b_kasu, b);

	if (a_sisu == 255) {
		/* a = +-inf */
		if (b_sisu == 255) {
			/* b = +-inf */
			ret = ind_value;
		} else {
			/* finite b */
			ret = inf_value;
			if (a_fugou != b_fugou) ret |= 0x80000000;
	} else if (b_sisu == 255) {
		/* finite a and b = +-inf */
		ret = 0;
		if (a_fugou != b_fugou) ret |= 0x80000000;
	} else if ((b & 0x7fffffff) == 0) {
		if ((a & 0x7fffffff) == 0) {
			ret = ind_value;
		} else {
			ret = inf_value;
			if (a_fugou != b_fugou) ret |= 0x80000000;
	} else {
		/* finite a, b */
		long long a_calc, b_calc, ret_calc;
		int ret_sisu, ret_fugou = 0;
		a_calc = a_kasu;
		b_calc = b_kasu;
		/* けち表現と非正規化数の処理 */
		if (a_sisu != 0) a_calc |= 0x800000; else a_sisu = 1;
		if (b_sisu != 0) b_calc |= 0x800000; else b_sisu = 1;
		/* 指数の計算 */
		ret_sisu = a_sisu - b_sisu + 127;
		/* 符号の反映 */
		if (a_fugou) ret_fugou = 1 - ret_fugou;
		if (b_fugou) ret_fugou = 1 - ret_fugou;
		/* 計算 */
		if (a_calc != 0) {
			a_calc <<= 23;
			while ((a_calc & 0x4000000000000000LL) == 0) {
				a_calc <<= 1;
		ret_calc = a_calc / b_calc;
		/* 結果の構築 */
		ret = get_result(ret_fugou, ret_sisu, ret_calc);

	return *((float*)&ret);

float add_native(float a, float b) {
	return a + b;

float sub_native(float a, float b) {
	return a - b;

float mul_native(float a, float b) {
	return a * b;

float div_native(float a, float b) {
	return a / b;

int test_binary_operation(const char *op, float a, float b, float (*func_a)(float, float), float (*func_b)(float, float)) {
	float result_a = func_a(a, b);
	float result_b = func_b(a, b);
	unsigned int data_a = *((unsigned int*)&result_a);
	unsigned int data_b = *((unsigned int*)&result_b);
	int is_ok = (data_a == data_b);
	printf("%s IN = %g (%08X) %s %g (%08X) A = %g (%08X), B = %g (%08X)\n",
		is_ok ? "Accepted" : "Wrong Answer",
		a, *((unsigned int*)&a), op, b, *((unsigned int*)&b),
		result_a, data_a, result_b, data_b);
	return is_ok;

float make_float(unsigned int n) {
	return *((float*)&n);

int main(void) {
	float test_operands[][2] = {
		{1.0f, 2.0f},
		{0.1f, 0.1f},
		{3.14f, 2.71f},
		{-3.14f, 2.71f},
		{3.14f, -2.71f},
		{-3.14f, -2.71f},
		{10e+20f, 5e+23f},

		{1.23f, -1.23f},
		{-1.23f, 1.23f},

		{make_float(0x7f000000), make_float(0x7f000000)},
		{make_float(0x00000001), make_float(0x00800000)},
		{make_float(0x00000001), make_float(0x00800001)},

		{1.0f, make_float(0x00000001)},
		{0.5f, make_float(0x0000beef)},

		{make_float(0x3f800000), make_float(0x3f800001)},
		{make_float(0x3f800002), make_float(0x3f800001)},

		{0.25f, make_float(0x000000ff)},
		{0.25f, make_float(0x000000fe)},
		{0.25f, make_float(0x000000fd)},
		{0.25f, make_float(0x000000fc)},
		{0.25f, make_float(0x000000fb)},
		{0.25f, make_float(0x000000fa)},
		{0.25f, make_float(0x000000f9)},
		{0.25f, make_float(0x000000f8)},

		{make_float(0x7f7fffff), make_float(0x73800000)},
		{make_float(0x7f7ffffe), make_float(0x73800000)},
		{make_float(0xff7fffff), make_float(0xf3800000)},
		{make_float(0xff7ffffe), make_float(0xf3800000)},

		{*((float*)&inf_value), *((float*)&inf_value)},
		{*((float*)&inf_value), -*((float*)&inf_value)},
		{-*((float*)&inf_value), *((float*)&inf_value)},
		{-*((float*)&inf_value), -*((float*)&inf_value)},

		{*((float*)&nan_value), 1.23f},
		{1.23f, *((float*)&nan_value)},
		{*((float*)&nan_value), *((float*)&nan_value)},
		/* 答えが環境依存になるっぽい */
		/* {*((float*)&nan_value), *((float*)&ind_value)}, */
		/* {*((float*)&ind_value), *((float*)&nan_value)}, */

		{0.0f, 0.0f},
		{-0.0f, 0.0f},
		{0.0f, -0.0f},
		{-0.0f, -0.0f},

		{1.0f, 0.0f},
		{0.0f, 1.0f},
		{1.0f, -0.0f},
		{0.0f, -1.0f},
		{-1.0f, 0.0f},
		{-0.0f, 1.0f},
		{-1.0f, -0.0f},
		{-0.0f, -1.0f},
		{*((float*)&inf_value), 0.0f},
		{0.0f, *((float*)&inf_value)},
		{-*((float*)&inf_value), 0.0f},
		{0.0f, -*((float*)&inf_value)},
		{*((float*)&inf_value), -0.0f},
		{-0.0f, *((float*)&inf_value)},
		{-*((float*)&inf_value), -0.0f},
		{-0.0f, -*((float*)&inf_value)},
		{*((float*)&inf_value), 1.0f},
		{1.0f, *((float*)&inf_value)},
		{-*((float*)&inf_value), 1.0f},
		{1.0f, -*((float*)&inf_value)},
		{*((float*)&inf_value), -1.0f},
		{-1.0f, *((float*)&inf_value)},
		{-*((float*)&inf_value), -1.0f},
		{-1.0f, -*((float*)&inf_value)},

		{*((float*)&ind_value), 1.0f},
		{1.0f, *((float*)&ind_value)},
		{*((float*)&ind_value), 0.0f},
		{0.0f, *((float*)&ind_value)},
		{*((float*)&ind_value), *((float*)&ind_value)},
		{*((float*)&inf_value), *((float*)&ind_value)},
		{*((float*)&ind_value), *((float*)&inf_value)},
		{-*((float*)&inf_value), *((float*)&ind_value)},
		{*((float*)&ind_value), -*((float*)&inf_value)}
	float (*test_functions[][2])(float, float) = {
		{float_add, add_native},
		{float_sub, sub_native},
		{float_mul, mul_native},
		{float_div, div_native},
	const char *test_names[] = {
	unsigned int i, j;
	int all_ok = 1;

	puts("----------- fixed case test -----------\n");

	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test_functions) / sizeof(test_functions[0]); i++) {
		const char *function_name = "";
		if (i < sizeof(test_names) / sizeof(test_names[0])) function_name = test_names[i];
		for (j = 0; j < sizeof(test_operands) / sizeof(test_operands[0]); j++) {
			int current_ok = test_binary_operation(function_name,
				test_operands[j][0], test_operands[j][1], test_functions[i][0], test_functions[i][1]);
			if (!current_ok) all_ok = 0;

	puts("\n----------- random case test -----------\n");

	srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		unsigned int a = (rand() & 0xff) | ((rand() & 0xff) << 8) | ((rand() & 0xff) << 16) | ((rand() & 0xff) << 24);
		unsigned int b = (rand() & 0xff) | ((rand() & 0xff) << 8) | ((rand() & 0xff) << 16) | ((rand() & 0xff) << 24);
		for (j = 0; j < sizeof(test_functions) / sizeof(test_functions[0]); j++) {
			const char *function_name = "";
			if (j < sizeof(test_names) / sizeof(test_names[0])) function_name = test_names[j];
			int current_ok = test_binary_operation(function_name,
				*((float*)&a), *((float*)&b), test_functions[j][0], test_functions[j][1]);
			if (!current_ok) all_ok = 0;

	printf("\n%s\n", all_ok ? "Accepted" : "Wrong Answer");

	return 0;
実戦投入にはまだunsigned intやlong longなどの計算を多倍長演算に置き換えるなどの課題がありますが、とりあえずわりといい感じに実装できたようです。

記事: 6734
登録日時: 13年前
住所: 千葉県

Re: 浮動小数点数(float)の計算を自前でやってみた

投稿記事 by みけCAT » 9年前

h2so5 さんが書きました:プロ